Life Motivations Services LLC

Holistic Consultations for Mental Health Recovery

Life Motivations Services, LLC offers personalized consultations designed to support your mental health recovery journey. Our holistic approach addresses both emotional and mental well-being, helping you regain balance and resilience. We work closely with you to create a tailored plan that suits your individual needs and fosters long-lasting healing.

Customized Individual Psychiatric Care

Psychiatric medical treatment for mental disorders. The emphasis on minimal dosing and weaning off medications over time. 


Hypnotherapy "Sol De Oro" (The Golden Sun)

Your life style transformation using Hypnotherapy. Self hypnosis training is included.

Take the First Step Toward Wellness Today

If you're ready to prioritize your mental health and embark on a path to holistic healing, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to start your transformative journey.

Life Motivations Services LLC

Emotional Health: Spiritual Development on your terms. The Bach Flowers Essences

Do you suffer from fear, uncertainty, loneliness, despondency, despair, etc.?
Elizabeth offers customized combinations of Bach Flower Essences.

Physical Health Mastering The Master Cleanse

Like many concepts that have been around for generations, the Master Cleanse is shrouded in intrigue. Bring it up as a topic of conversation, and reactions range from loathing to gratitude. While the experience will be different for everyone, the key to success is knowledge. Follow the directions precisely, and the joy of radiant health will be yours.

Life Motivations Services LLC

The Golden Key Method of Self-Hypnosis Excerpt

Prayer will enable you, or anyone else, sooner or later, to handle any difficulty on the face of the earth. It is the Golden Key to harmony and happiness. Prayer is the mightiest power in existence. You need not take anyone's word for it: Simply try it for yourself, and see.

Whoever you are, wherever you may be, the Golden Key to harmony is in your hand now. This is in prayer, it is God who works, and not you, and so your particular limitations or weaknesses are of no account in this process.